
Master of Science in Quality Assurance (Online)

CSUDH Quality Assurance Certificates

Professional Certificates

California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) Quality education programs include a portfolio of certificate programs for quality professionals to maintain their skills related to evolving issues in society and business today.

Lean Six Sigma

CSUDH and University Training Partners has developed in-depth Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt programs. The LSS approach has been successfully implemented in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, banking, hospitality, retail, higher education, and government.

Certificate of Completion in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt ►

Certificate of Completion in Lean Six Sigma Green Belt ►


Accreditation, Standardization & Conformity Assessment

CSUDH and International Accreditation Service has developed a Laboratory Conformity Assessment Certificate. Conformity assessment is not very present as formal education in the academic environment. Three globally recognized subject matter experts provide a wider understanding of the purpose and nature of the various aspects of conformity assessment, as well as interrelationships among related activities.

Certificate of Completion in Accreditation, Standardization & Conformity Assessment ►


Soft Skills of Quality 4.0

The digitization factors of Industry 4.0 challenges organizations and people has to how Quality tools and processes can support digitalization. The Soft Skills of Quality 4.0 certificate investigates how people continue to be a critical factor in assuring goals and objectives are accomplished in most every industry where digitization of processes and quality improvements as the body of knowledge for Quality 4.0 continues to develop.

Certificate of Completion in Soft Skills of Quality 4.0 ►


ASQ-Related Certificates

CSUDH offers Certificate Awards for students who complete three graduate level courses from the MSQA program and the appropriate capstone course. The student may take these courses through Open University and thus, need not be enrolled in the MSQA program. Each student who satisfactorily completes a non-credit capstone course and the associated three graduate-level credit courses from the MSQA program will be provided with a Certificate Award.

The non-credit capstone course in each certificate (with the exception of the Service Quality Certificate) are also designed to aid the Quality Practitioner in passing the ASQ Professional Certification examination. This certification is a recognized professional accomplishment bound to enhance your career and personal marketability. These courses are offered in cooperation with the Los Angeles Section 0700 of the American Society for Quality (ASQ).

Certificate of Completion in Quality Auditing ►

Certificate of Completion in Quality Engineering ►

Certificate of Completion in Quality Management ►

Certificate of Completion in Reliability Engineering ►

Certificate in Service Quality Assurance ►

Professional Certification preparation and certificate courses are available for professionals seeking to advance professional credentials in areas of Quality or desiring to obtain assistance in preparing to take the examinations leading to the Certified Quality Auditor (CQA)Certified Quality Engineer, (CQE)Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), and Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE) certifications. These courses are taught on an on-demand schedule. To request a course, please contact the MSQA Office at msqa@tdwang.net or 310-243-3880.

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Registration & Contact Information

There are no prerequisites for enrollment and no admission process. For registration assistance, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during business hours. To register groups of three (3) or more, call 310-243-3880.

Have questions about the program? Call 310-243-2075, email learn@tdwang.net, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message about this program.

For more information and to discover more about this certificate program, contact:

Milton Krivokuca | mkrivokuca@tdwang.net
Program Coordinator

Karla C. Martinez | kmartinez@tdwang.net
Student Support Coordinator

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